contingency management examples

The project team can use this extra time to deal with the impacts of certain risks and avoid missed deadlines or contract penalties. Experts say that project contingency, both contingency time and cost contingency, is needed in all but the smallest projects. These plans hedge against supply chain disruptions caused by events like natural disasters or technological outages and help organizations reduce downtime and ensure real-time operational capabilities. Lastly, CM can represent a paradigm shift for many systems and clinicians who have been required to deliver punitive consequences when substance use occurs. When objective evidence of use is recorded, clinicians focus on strength-based feedback, such as praise for attendance, and encouragement that the next opportunity for reinforcement will occur again in just a few days. They can further engage the patient by discussing what reinforcer they are excited to work toward, orienting the patient toward the reinforcement inherent in CM.

Benefits of contingency management

A 2010 study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment examined research findings on motivational incentives in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. In the report, researchers found no differences in gambling behaviors between clients who received incentives and individuals receiving other treatments. While some practitioners believe that certain aspects of contingency management can lead to gambling addiction, research has shown that the therapy is an effective approach for the treatment of a variety of drug problems. A contingency plan should have several basic elements to help your team respond to risks when they happen. Those elements include a risk probability assessment, details on triggers for an event, and an overall response strategy. These are extra funds allotted to the project for the team to spend if certain risks happen.

Benefits of Contingency Planning

It can be helpful to create a timeline that you’ll use to spend dedicated periods reviewing your plans, testing them, and communicating with the necessary stakeholders about any changes you’ve made to the plans. As with all plans, it’s essential to continuously test (more on that in the next section) and update them over time. As businesses scale and change, your business needs will likely change, and specific scenarios will no longer have as significant of an impact. There may also be new scenarios to plan for that you hadn’t anticipated or thought of when you were a smaller operation. Risk management is the identification, mitigation, and assessment of potential risks that may affect your organization. This process helps an organization prevent losses before they occur and aids in assessing whether or not certain risks are worth taking.

Create contingency plans for the biggest risks

However, few psychiatrists are familiar with this intervention or its application to a range of patient behaviours. This paper describes contingency management and evidence of its efficacy for reducing drug use. Greater awareness and use of contingency management in practice may improve outcomes across a range of mental health and related conditions. The premise behind CM is to utilize these and other reinforcement procedures systematically to modify behaviors of substance abusers in a positive and supportive manner (Petry, 2000).

contingency management examples

Each of these barriers can be overcome, and introduction of contingency management techniques into substance misuse treatment and psychiatric practice more broadly can have a positive impact on patients, providers, and perhaps even society at large. Despite its established efficacy, contingency management is the empiricallyvalidated treatment with which clinicians are least familiar. In the past, clinicians provided contingency management in person so they could verify drug abstinence by having the patient submit a urine sample. The same modern technologies that make remote behavioral health care and programming possible can also be used for incentive delivery and even drug testing.

  1. Under this scheme addicts are rewarded for maintaining abstinence by, for example, receiving shopping vouchers in return for drug-free urine samples (Higgins et al., 1991).
  2. Perhaps what CM needs most is a well-placed champion to break down barriers to reimbursement at the federal level before implementation efforts can be expected to be widespread.
  3. Not only do patients stand to gain by the introduction of contingencymanagement but so do providers.
  4. Microsoft Windows, for example, is ubiquitous because it has a critical mass of users.

Prize Incentives CM (PICM)

contingency management examples

In these cases, rather than sending the person to jail for a length of time, the individual is allowed to live at home but is required to remain abstinent from alcohol. They are monitored for alcohol use through daily breathalyzer tests or continuous alcohol skin sensor monitoring. If the individual tests positive — indicating that they had consumed alcohol— he/she receives a “swift, certain, but moderate” consequence, often 1 to 2 nights in jail (instead of 6 months in jail) depending on the contract.

Contingency management interventions have also been combined with brief motivational interventions within the context of case management services for pregnant women. An equally important question is the extent to which preclinical choice models can be used to develop behavioral innovations that improve contingency management efficacy. To this end, the incentivized choice model developed by Bouton and Thraikill holds promise. It differs from the procedures described above because it obtains voluntary abstinence without requiring mutually exclusive choice. In a second phase, a new response is introduced and earns a larger reward (R2 – reward+).

If the BIA indicates that it’s a high percentage, the company will most likely want to prioritize creating a contingency plan for this business risk. Business contingency plans, also known as “business continuity plans” or “emergency response plans” are action plans to help organizations resume normal business operations after an unintended interruption. Organizations build contingency plans to understanding alcohol use disorder national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism niaaa help them face a variety of threats, including natural disasters, unplanned downtime, data loss, network breaches and sudden shifts in customer demand. It can be used to encourage clients to avoid drugs or alcohol as well as to show up for their scheduled appointments, participate in group therapy, or demonstrate healthy living activities like participation in yoga or physical fitness training.

Each plan should include all of the steps you need to take to return to business as usual. As you create your contingency plan, make sure you evaluate the likelihood and severity of each risk. Then, once you’ve created your plan—or plans—get it approved by your manager or department head. That way, if a negative event does occur, your team can leap to action and quickly resolve the risk without having to wait for approvals.

contingency management examples

Eventually, you can exchange the vouchers for desirable items, food, or activities. When business operations are disrupted by a negative event, good contingency planning gives an organization’s response structure and discipline. During a crisis, decision-makers and employees often feel overwhelmed by the pile-up of events beyond their control, and having a thorough backup plan helps reestablish confidence and return operations to normal. Business impact analysis (BIA) is a crucial step in understanding how the different business functions of an enterprise will respond to unexpected events. One way to do this is to look at how much company revenue is being generated by the business unit at risk.

If a risk does happen, you can use your risk register to proactively target that risk and resolve it as quickly as possible. There is less research in the context of CM for treating alcohol use disorders, primarily because of limited ability to quantify alcohol use objectively (Higgins & Petry, 1999). Contingency planning and risk management are closely related but different processes. Contingency planning addresses the “what if” situations and develops a plan that will work around those situations.

Clients who fail a drug or alcohol test, violate parole or fail to follow program rules could be punished for their actions. Good contingency planning can happen only when project leaders are transparent and clear about project scheduling. This means clarity on time goals for various phases of the project alcohol use disorder treatment and what contingency time might be available. Experts recommend that your project team follow a number of basic steps to create a good contingency plan. A mitigation plan helps you reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk, while a contingency plan helps you map the response to a risk once it occurs.

It’s important to understand that contingency plans can be created only for risks that your team identifies. A contingency plan cannot be created for risks that your team has not identified or would have no ability to identify or foresee. Contingency planning is what your project team does to prepare for specific risks that might happen during a project. A contingency plan might include extra funds, extra staff, or steps to take if a particular issue arises.

Significantly more of the patients in the contingent condition were able to achieve long periods of cocaine abstinence throughout the study, and the beneficial effects of the contingent condition persisted throughout a one-year follow-up period. For example, let’s say you’ve identified a potential staff shortage alcohol awareness toolkit prevention technology transfer center pttc network as a likely and severe risk. This would significantly impact normal operations, so you want to create a contingency plan to prepare for it. Each person on your team has a very particular skill set, and it would be difficult to manage team responsibilities if more than one person left at the same time.

Project managers should also continually monitor the schedule, make changes when necessary, and be transparent with the entire team about those changes. These are recovery strategies that help the business ensure that it will recover quickly and efficiently after a disruption occurs. Give yourself about a week to identify the operational areas essential for business function. You likely already know what these areas are, but you want to do enough research to identify them all. Identifying these areas helps you move on to the next step as you begin brainstorming possible scenarios that can impact them. CM has its detractors, and likely always will, and I understand where these experts are coming from.